If you have any questions please contact Jenna Brandvold, Education Manager, at jenna@oneclub.org
The One Club for Creativity's Education Initiatives support the next generation of advertising and design industry creatives. We work with schools and agencies to create opportunities for professional development, recognition, and networking.

2023 Speakers

Asia Irvin
The Springhill Company
Art Director

Bennett D. Bennett
Founder and Principal Consultant

Bill Zimmerman
Penn State
Assistant Teaching Professor

Christie Shin
Professor, Creative Technology and Design/Illustration and Interactive Media

CJ Yeh
Cynda Media Lab
Founder / Executive Creative Director

Crystal Anokam
VIRTUE Worldwide
Art Director

Dani Herrera
Allies in Recruiting

Hillary Black
Allies In Recruiting
Founding Partner

Jamae Lucas

Kyle Davy
Momentum Worldwide
Senior Copywriter

Laurence Minsky
Columbia College Chicago
Professor, Communication Department

Lisa Mercer
University of Illinois
Assistant Professor, Graphic Design and Design for Responsible Innovation

Patricia Childers
City Tech, Pratt Institute, FIT
Adjunct Professor

Peg Murphy
Columbia College Chicago
Incoming Chair & Associate Professor, Communication Department

PJ Pereira
Pereira O'Dell
Creative Chairman

Ramon De Los Santos
160over90 + ONE School
Creative Director + New York Tutor

Robin Landa
Kean University
Distinguished Professor, Advertising

Tom Eslinger
Columbia College Chicago
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Communication Department
The One Club For Creativity
450 W. 31st Street, Floor 6, New York, NY 10001
Time & Date
July 27 · 9am - July 28 · 6pm
If you have any questions please contact Jenna Brandvold at jenna@oneclub.org